Oh, yeah! While I personally don't partake too much myself, I've heard quite a few stories about Brewmasters being able to do very well in battlegrounds. For most content you're probably going to want to use the brew-related talents on that tier anyway.Ĥ) Are Brewmasters going to be viable for PvP? and you really don't need to opt into it if you don't want to. Either way, it's not something to worry about unless you opt into it.

But I suppose that's just a perspective thing. And really, even then, I think it's probably better to look at it more like you don't NEED to be at low health for it to be useful, it's just that the lower your health is on average and the more damage you take, the more effective your means of reversing that will be. The "lower health, more effective" gameplay has been made into an optional talent, Gift of the Mists. Or in other words, when you take 100% of your health in damage, before absorbs or stagger, you will spawn an orb.
Gift of the Mists multiplies that counter increment by (2 - (HealthBeforeDamage - DamageTakenBeforeAbsorbsOrStagger) / MaxHealth) ie, a simple linear 0-100% increase based on missing health, counting the hit as a full hit." The tooltip still says ‘chance’, to keep it understandable. It now drops an orb whenever that reaches 1.0, and decrements it by 1.0. When you are hit, it increments a counter by (DamageTakenBeforeAbsorbsOrStagger / MaxHealth). "It's (Gift of the Ox) no longer a random chance, under the hood. However, that hasn't been the case since May, about three months ago as of the time of writing. Again, your build order is ultimately up to you and you should realistically be able to get a very solid chunk of these before raiding and Mythic+ proper begins anyway.ģ) How does Gift of the Ox Work? I heard that the lower health you are the more effective it is. If you want to do high end Mythic+ content instead, I'd actually recommend taking Sixth pass after your Second pass, as Fortification enables some pretty strong potential for handling a lot of enemies at once if you use it intelligently in combination with Elusive Dance.

I mainly intended this route to be for raiding.

If you're interested in figuring out your own path, I'd highly recommend checking out Wowhead's Artifact Calculator! This build is one I made to try and balance spending points to get what I feel are the more important, reliable defensive and utility-oriented perks with as few points as possible.